COVID Health & Safety Measures
In accordance with Provincial Health experts/mandates, Provincial & National basketball governing bodies and the Return to Sport Guidelines, the following COVID health and safety measures will be implemented by F.O.R.M. Basketball Academy and strictly enforced:
1. ABSOLUTELY NO player (or Coach/Staff) shall be permitted to train if they are ill* - please review our Cancellation Policy online
2. If a player (or Coach/Staff) feels and/or becomes ill during the course of training, they MUST immediately notify one of the Coaches and parents will be called to come pick up their child
3. A player who is sent home ill, MUST seek medical advice/attention from their Healthcare Provider (HCP). If the illness is determined to be non-COVID related, that player may return back to training 72 hours AFTER their last known symptoms. IF the illness is determined to be COVID-related, that player MUST self-isolate and monitor for symptoms for 14 days
4. Prior to the commencement of every training session, ALL players and Coaches/Staff will be screened via the BC Self-Assessment Tool and questionnaire developed by the BC Ministry of Health. During the course of this self-assessment, if a player, Coach/Staff answers affirmative to any of the questions, they WILL NOT be permitted to train and will be sent home (The assessment tool can be found here:
5. Proof of vaccination is required for all games, tournaments and practices. If a player or coach cannot provide proof of vaccination, they MUST complete the following:
6. ALL players, regardless of vaccination status, will have to complete the COVID-19 screening questions (refer to #4); those without proof of vaccination MUST attest to having completed the requirements outlined in #5
7. We will be adhering to the physical distancing of 6 ft. apart whenever possible or cohorts whenever 6 ft. cannot be maintained
8. ABSOLUTELY NO high fives or handshakes shall be permitted. Fist dabs and/or elbow touches will replace high fives and handshakes
9. Each player is required to bring their own basketball, hand sanitizer, towel, water bottle/Gatorade and snack and keep it with their own personal belongings (for training sessions). Sanitized basketball shall be provided for the 3x3 League
10. UNDER NO circumstances will players be permitted to share drinks, towels, etc
11. Hand sanitization will occur after each drill and before/after rest breaks
12. Players are to arrive NO EARLIER than 15 minutes prior to the start of all training sessions. This ensures safety and that we start and end on time
13. A player has the option to bring their own mask and wear during training. This WILL NOT be provided by F.O.R.M. Coaches and players will be required to wear a mask during training sessions and/or practices
14. Players and Coaches are asked to cough or sneeze into the crook of their elbows
15. Any equipment provided by Coaches will be sanitized prior to and after each player use
16. Elite Private Training will be 1:1 OR 2:1 (Coaches : Player). Group Training is cancelled until such a time that Provincial Health allows for large group activities. Please Note: attendance will be taken at all training sessions and league games (for contact tracing purposes)
17. Practices, games and 3x3 League – shall occur within cohorts in accordance with Provincial Health & Return to Sport Guidelines; maximum of 50 players per cohort shall be allowed in the gym at any given time (physical distancing measures shall be adhered to whenever possible and if not, shall be cohorted)
18. 3x3 League Divisions/Cohorts are as follows: Gr. 7/8, Gr. 9/10, Gr. 11/12 - with no more than 50 players per cohort
19. There shall be a 15-30 minute break between cohort groups, to allow for cleaning and sanitizing of equipment
COVID-19 Vaccination Policy:
1st/2nd Dose/Booster - is highly recommended for ALL players in accordance with current PHO guidelines and policies - updated February 18, 2022
*ill and/or illness symptoms due to COVID can be found here:
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